Uu Viet mattress carries out improvements to improve production efficiency

Uu Viet Mattress Co., Ltd is an enterprise with over 20 years of experience in the field of manufacturing all kinds of mattress for domestic market and export.

Participating in the program “Improving productivity and quality of products and goods of Vietnamese enterprises to 2020” of the Government, Uu Viet Mattress has received the support of consultants from the Technical Center Quality Measurement Standard 3 (QUATEST 3) in improving production efficiency.

Through the survey, the shortcomings of the Company were identified by experts such as: The production area has many items that have not been screened, neatly arranged, causing a lot of waste of redundant operations; A lot of secondary products, the percentage of finished products used has not been as expected, affecting the production costs of the Company.

First of all, the Company decided to apply 5S in the garment factory and mattress workshop. All unnecessary objects are removed to free up space. The shelves of new supplies and spare parts are displayed clearly with names of supplies and quantity. The cloth cutting area is arranged and divided into the area of ​​raw materials waiting to be cut, raw materials left over, and semi-finished products. The sewing area is arranged clearly divided with the sewing waiting area, the completion area, and the sewing machine area. The accessory area was also screened and grouped. As a result, the factory becomes airy, neat and reduces the worker time looking for items.

Next, the Company and its consultants analyzed and found the cause of the uneven cushioning error. The improvement team identified the cause as a lack of a lid in the mattress mold. Therefore, the part without the lid causes the mattress to protrude, creating an uneven surface with the entire mattress, leading to cutting off rubber. With the solution of creating a cover for the mold, the results are as follows: Total monolithic height increased from 680 cm to 740 cm, of which the height of finished products increased from 560 cm to 700 cm, the by-product decreased from 120 cm down to 40 cm. The rate of finished products used is 95% (increased to nearly 13%, equivalent to nearly 300 blocks / month). With this solution, the Company saved 957 million VND / year.

With some initial results, the Board of Directors decided to continue to expand the application of productivity improvement tools to other areas, especially towards further reducing product creation time. and delivery time.

Productivity and Quality Office

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