Typical innovations at Hoffmann UK Group (Part 1)

Hoffmann Group UK is a leading supplier of precision machining equipment in the UK. Currently the group is providing clamping, cutting, grinding, measuring equipment, lathes, workstations, storage equipment, etc, for many countries around the world.

In order to improve competitiveness, Hoffmann UK management has carried out a total improvement in their factory system. It is crucial to optimize resources during Covid’s epidemic that complicate production operations, said Mr.Tim Paddison, the company’s chief executive.

By applying innovative tools such as Kaizen, 5S, and Lean respectively, and incorporating a number of assistive technology applications, the efficiency of using resources of Hoffmann UK has changed significantly.

The lean manufacturing principle is a guideline for innovation

Finding the primary waste is the primary goal of lean manufacturing. These wastes include: waste of inventory, waste from overproduction, production failure, waste of waiting time (when switching shifts or starting machines), wasted labor, moving space wasted, etc.

5S is the solution chosen by Hoffmann UK to solve the above problems. Starting from the point of view: “If working in a healthy, clean and favorable environment, the employee’s working efficiency will be higher”, implementing the first 3S in 5S (including Seiri – Screening , Seiton – Arrange, Seiso – Clean) has helped this company eliminate waste from input materials to minimizing redundant operations, making production possible to keep production running. profanity, without interruptions. On the other hand, the rearrangement of the workshop and the place to store tools and equipment also helps workers save time to move, search and manipulate. Next, the next pillars of 5S were deployed to ensure that the company always maintains improvement efficiency:

  • Seiketsu – Care (or Standardization): Always check, maintain the 3S above. By developing S4, 3S activities will be gradually improved based on the set standards and progress to 5S completion in the enterprise.
  • Shitsuke – Ready: Constantly practicing, creating a habit, order, style for everyone in 5S implementation

The process of standardizing new processes and setting up at work at Hoffmann UK has proven that: Small, easy-to-make changes can make a big difference. Even very small activities like investing in a drawer divider systems ensure every tool is in place and easy to spot immediately if something is missing. These small operations and larger-scale deployments like smart workstations and modular stacking systems help the organization to work truly efficiently and optimize workflow.

(To be continued)

Productivity and Quality Office

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