Tri Cuong Industry company limited
Reduce product conversion time from 21 minutes to 15 minutes, which enhances the overall OEE equipment performance of the CNC milling machine from 38% to 50% and OEE CNC coffee machines from 73% to 76% after only 1 month are the benefits that the program supports the TPM adoption of the Ministry of Industry and Trade brings the industry company.
Deployed since May 10-12/2019, the TPM has helped to gain the benefits of intuitive management; the work of the staff; Production management and efficiency of equipment productivity. Accordingly, the company has implemented the TPM with 3 main pillars of choice, including: self-preservation maintenance, key improvement and education-training with the scope of the application at 1-2 CNC milling plant, CNC2 (Production Room No. 1). After only 3 months of applying the TPM, the company quickly established the foundation for the 3 pillars of deployment. During this time, the company launched an improved theme engaged by head of Production Division 1, management of manufacturing equipment maintenance 1, head of production, team leader CNC and maintenance personnel.
In terms of production management, have trained and guided the inspection work, operation for the device operator under pillar AM so the machinery is well cared for and maintenance, more clean. Long-term solutions have been applied in behalf of the previous interim solution. In terms of productivity efficiency, intellectual strength has reduced the time of product transformation through improvements, improving overall performance OEE equipment of CNC milling machine from 38% (Nov) to 50% (12 months) and OEE CNC convenience machine from 73% (Nov) to 76% (DEC). In terms of safety efficiency, the re-planning of instruments as well as standardize operation should be more reasonable and more spacious, help workers move less, increase worker safety when participating in the work… For the effectiveness of training, the company has identified the capacity matrix of 2 personnel, operators 2 pilot machines to plan for capacity improvement training in 2020; Arrange training sessions for management level, regular operators to operate the production is actively connected.
Mr. Vu Van Tuan-Representatives of the improvement Group of the company-said, to be able to deploy for 3 months and to bring efficiency, before that, Mind has adopted many other productivity tools to create “culture” productivity improvement in the enterprise. Prior to that, the company applied 5S to production management and from 2016, with the support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade with consultants of the Vietnam Productivity Institute, the company has successfully deployed Lean Six Sigma (LSS).
A review of the benefits that the TPM program brings to the business, Mrs. Nguyen Viet Ha-Science and Technology Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade)-said the TPM tool has brought a very positive effect. Enterprises should continue to maintain and strive to expand the TPM to bring greater efficiency in terms of improving productivity and quality, contributing to improving productivity and business efficiency.
Mr. Vu Van Tuan-Representative group Improvement Company: only after 6 months of applying the lean management model Minimize errors (LSS) into the production process, the company has limited the material is wasted 14%; The rate of the scrap is decreased from 2.7% to 2.2%; Slow duration decreased from 72% to 20%; Save 36 million VND/month on one machine, compatible Equivalent to 432 million VND/year.
Productivity and Quality Office