Team work to identify production waste
In the period of 2018-2019, Tan Huy Hoang Co., Ltd. has registered to participate in 2 support programs to improve productivity and quality of industrial products of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and has achieved some positive results. improving productivity and product quality and raising workers’ awareness.
In 2018, Tan Huy Hoang started 5S implementation and the results brought about a great change in the appearance and sense of responsibility of employees at 2 mechanical factories and automatic foam pressing workshops. The factory is more organized and tidy, workers from where they are located have complied with the regulations on layout in the factory. From the 5S foundation, the company continued to apply TPM in 2 workshops that did well on 5S and expanded to the panel manufacturing factory.
The TPM program at Tan Huy Hoang lasting from February to December 2019 has identified 51 losses and waste in production, cost calculations show that the company has a loss of about 1.2 billion VND / year. .
From July to December 2019, the Company chose to launch 5 improvement projects, of which 2 subjects showed clear results in terms of benefits as improvement “Reducing weight of 5 product codes difficult to manufacture ”and innovative“ Reduced stacking time in panel production ”.
For the first topic, there are 5 product codes that often exceed the standard weight or are above the standard upper bound. When the stride is applied, the weights of some product codes have been brought back to the standard level, even lower than the standard, but still with quality assurance.For example, for product code 697E83840, the product weight according to standard is 253.7g, product weight after improvement is 248g -252g. In addition, before the improvement of the production time of 1 batch is 201 seconds, after adding the feed gun to the position of lack of seeds, cleaning the eyes, improving the cooling water line, the production time is still 1 batch. 140s – 150s.
With the second topic, the job of guiding the cotton to enter the panel machine and changing the position of the sensor has helped reduce the time for workers to stack cotton on the machine from 8 minutes to 3 minutes, the amount of cotton error from 10m / time. running reduced to 2.5m / run.
Besides the benefits of waste reduction, another value of the implementation of the TPM program is that it has helped to launch an innovation movement at the mechanical workshop, avoiding the situation of spontaneous and unrecognized improvement as before. .
From the background of employees who have been trained in improvement methods and experienced in participating in pilot improvement projects, it is hoped that in the coming time the company will continue to launch and spread the spirit of improvement. employees in all workshops, departments, and timely commendations and rewards to individuals, departments with good performance.
Productivity and Quality Office