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FNANO Co., Ltd has researched and successfully produced gel fertilizer FNANO product which provide nutrition for plants with a high concentration of essential nutrient content in each development stage of plant.
FNANO factory is located at QL1A, Suoi Tan commune (Cam Lam district), with a production of over 9,000 tons/year, including 26 types of products registered for circulation. In Vietnam, the company has pioneered in the application of high molecular technology, coating and isolating nutritional elements to form FNANO Gel form fertilizer.
Accordingly, to create completed FNANO fertilizer products to meet all production processes for each type of plant, the company has invested in machinery and equipment with the technology of high molecular isolating and ion separation, manufacturing with ISO 9001: 2015 standards, this process fully meets the provisions of law on fertilizer production.
In 2017, when the company started doing research and production, 10 strategic products with different nutritional content were created for each type of plant, each stage of growth from the stage of soil improvement, restoring roots, the stage of young trees to the stage of flowering, fruiting and rearing the fruit until after harvest.
The standard products launched by the company have been well received and popularized by relatives such as Kafulvic Gel, Fulvic Gel, Root Power Humate Pro Gel, Bio Nitrogen Humate Pro Gel, Phyto.Phoscop Gel, Phyto flower Gel, Phyto Green gel, Phoska Green Gel and Agri Coc – Swipe Green Ear (used for dragon fruit trees).
The breakthrough of Gel technology is the process of creating polimer film from microbiological strains, which is safe in clean agricultural production. The film makes the Gel product ready to release nutrition when the plant needs and the multi-central-micro-molecules stay on the tree to be used thoroughly until the plants continue to need, without being washed away or evaporate even when using products in the dry season or rainy season.
Accordingly, the high molecular coating characteristic of Gel will help prevent ion separation process, avoid binding to soil, which cause nutrient losses and enhance adhesion on leaf, tree and fruit surfaces to save fertilizer, cost, etc. Moreover, the product also has advantages suitable for all sustainable irrigation and intensification systems.
In addition, Gel fertilizer also helps the plant increase its tolerance to most bacteria and fungal pathogens, helps improve soil through supporting the balance of the microorganisms and soil ecosystems.
According to the test results using Gel fertilizer of the company deployed in pepper gardens, dragon fruit, citrus, lychee, mango, rice, vegetables and strawberries garden, etc. showed the efficiency is remarkable. Not only does the productivity increase by 20% compared to the old method, but the quality of agricultural products is also improved. Meanwhile, the investment cost for the whole crop after the accounting is significantly reduced in the period of applying the Gel product.