General Director of the Company, Mr. Do Van Ve took a commemorative photo with TPM Huong Sen Comfor Board and representatives of consulting unit
On September 29, 2020, Huong Sen Comfor Joint Stock Company organized an internal evaluation program on TPM’s activities. The evaluation committee consists of members of the TPM Board of the Company and the consultants of EPRO Consulting JSC. After 4 months of applying TPM, Huong Sen has obtained encouraging results.
With the maintenance of the client machine: Previously, the maintenance chain schedule was not specific, there were only general items of work, now a detailed machine maintenance chain has been built, including: Real items, methods display, tools used, timing of usage and approval standards. With the new schedule, the maintenance technician, when working, will have the basis to check the volume and quality of his work, the manager also has the basis to check and urge his staff easily. Besides, a detailed chain schedule can also be considered an important document that makes it easier for new maintenance staff to access the work. Not only that, the application of the 100% planned chain schedule in July, August, and September 2020 has also reduced the downtime in the client machine area from 10,270 minutes in May to 1125 minutes in August (down 89%).
With the QC department: Realizing that the quality of the machine yarns is not stable in some spindles. The improvement group led by Ms. Pham Thi Ha conducted an analysis of the root cause using the herringbone and 5-star method. The team has found out the cause of the problem and has come up with some solutions such as: Strengthening the support of the shift leader for inexperienced staff to reduce the time to repair broken yarn; construction of sliver piecing operation instructions; Adjust the bearing height at the spindles to 4.0mm. These actions stabilize the yarn quality and ensure that the quality error is within the factory tolerances.
Before the implementation of the TPM, the overtime situation at the raw change unit is quite common when the maintenance party performs maintenance on the machine, the overtime can be from 3-8 hours / time. The main reason is that the raw change team does not know in advance the maintenance schedule, so it is passive in allocating work plans. In addition, the lack of raw storage vehicles also leads to the raw core mixed in colors, causing time to search and prolong the raw change. Therefore, the improvement team implemented the following solutions: Ensuring the maintenance team has to notify the maintenance plan to the crude replacement team 1 week; adding crude core vehicles to classify the core color of each vehicle; specify the location for the car to replace the rough. After 3 months of implementing the solution, the overtime of the coarse replacement unit has decreased from 98 hours in May to 0 o’clock in August and September.
In addition to the results of the above improvement groups, TPM activities at Huong Sen Textile Company also obtained: 100 TPM cards hung and 100% of cards have been processed; 2 lessons 1 point, OEE increased from 79% to 81%.
With the above results, the General Director of the company, Mr. Do Van Ve said: He appreciated the team leaders and members who were active, enthusiastic and enthusiastic in learning and applying the TPM method. Although the implementation time of TPM is not long, the results obtained are of great significance. TPM helps to change the perception and working methods of the employees of Huong Sen Comfor Textile to improve work efficiency as well as increase productivity and product quality.
Mr. Ve expressed his thanks for the enthusiastic support of consultants from EPRO Consulting Joint Stock Company and highly appreciated the support program “Improving productivity and quality of industrial products and goods” of Ministry of Industry and Trade. He emphasized that this support program is of great significance in helping Vietnamese businesses develop in a sustainable way, at the same time, the program should also be spread more strongly for more businesses to be able to develop. supported as Huong Sen Comfor Textile.
Productivity and Quality Office