Quang Quan plastic factory
The application of TPM has helped Quang Quan Co., Ltd. to maximize equipment efficiency, reduce unsold products, reduce defective products as well as production and transport time. From there, improve the quality of products, meet the needs of customers.
Quang Quan Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing disposable plastic products. From August 2018 to August 2019, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and VNPI, the company has participated in the application of TPM with the scope of application as cup factory and cup factory at Ha Nam Factory (Dong Van 1 Industrial Park, Ha Nam).
Through the survey process, the consultants of VNPI found that the flow of product line at the cup lid workshop was not optimal, the equipment was not cleaned regularly causing product errors. The company has not yet applied 5S in production, the quality control system has not been established.
Especially, the management skills of managers and middle managers are relatively low; The satisfaction level of employees at the company is lower than the average level of Vietnamese enterprises, etc. From the above results, the consulting team met with leaders and the productivity improvement board of the factory to make solutions.
First of all, in order to reduce the distance of transporting the glass lid, the solution is to put the machine molds running close to each other, arrange each type of membrane right after the machine, and the machines of the same type that are placed close together will use the vehicle transporting the finished product. As a result, 33% of the transportation flow of products has been reduced; reducing the number of vehicles transporting finished products from 9 to 5 (down 45%).
In order to reduce the amount of semi-finished glass lid, the solution is to balance production of stages. The improvement team limited the number of semi-finished products that could be produced each day, developing a standard using the number of films per day. As a result, reducing the amount of semi-finished film of glass lid 112 rolls to 46 rolls / day (down 40%), reducing 50% of the surface area used to store glass caps.
In order to improve the cooling efficiency, the improvement team reduced the mold replacement time by preparing materials in advance, cleaning the mold clean and placing it right near the machine, 2 people on both sides of the machine changed the mold. As a result, the mold replacement time is reduced by 50%, from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. In addition, to reduce the error of the lid-cap machine, the improvement team cleaned the cooling water pipe. After the pipe was cleaned and replaced with a new knife, the ratio of bad, thin film decreased from 5% to 3.7%, the percentage of finished products increased to 5%.
Quang Quan Co., Ltd. also implemented good 5S practices to improve the working environment. The improvement committee has issued plans, regulations, check sheets for sanitation and periodic sanitation; performing screening and standardization of equipment in the factory; marking the placement of each area and tool; building quality management system model from KCS model to QM; change factory layout, reduce travel distance. The company has issued regulations on arrangement and transportation for each area and tool; divide the area to conduct self-management activities in order to raise the sense of self-management by production area and maintain the 5S environment, etc.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Le Hoa – Head of Productivity Research Department (VNPI):
The commitment of company leaders to devote resources plays an important role in the implementation results. At the same time, it is necessary to organize training courses for all workers, so that everyone is fully aware and deeply aware of the application of TPM and quality management. The inspection and evaluation of 5S implementation, productivity improvement are maintained regularly, creating habits and a culture of improvement.
Productivity and Quality Office