Ralco Industry Group uses the application of 4.0 technology in production (Source: Ralco)
Industry 4.0, named after the Fourth Industrial Revolution, combines automation from previous industrial revolutions with digital data from rapidly emerging technologies like sensors and technologies. Advanced analytical techniques into so-called cyber physical systems, digital transformation of modern business in products, manufacturing and supply chains.
Today, companies have access to more data, which will help them make smarter strategic decisions for their businesses.
So what is quality 4.0?
Dan Jacob, chief research officer and lead analyst for quality at LNS Research, a leading manufacturing consulting and research firm, coined the term Quality 4.0.1. Quality 4.0 is about using technology to show that quality really has to be a company-wide strategy with executives at driving performance. When people are looking at quality performance, everyone is looking at the risks inherent in their personal responsibility to deliver it. Now quality becomes the work of every department, every member of the company.
Quality 4.0 focuses on data needed to monitor quality performance including costs for both good and bad quality. Many companies have begun to increase the resolution of the data they collect with sensors and analytics.
Productivity and Quality Office