Mr. Do Phung Hai - PYMEPHARCO company staff
The company PYMEPHARCO was established in 1989 with the mission of manufacturing pharmaceuticals, trading in drugs & medical equipment supplies.
With the goal of constantly improving to bring customers the highest quality products, the company leaders of PYMEPHARCO have launched many emulation movements such as: promoting innovative technical innovations in production and manufacturing. business, fulfill and exceed economic targets, practice thrift, fight wastefulness, etc to arouse the creative labor spirit of employees. Thereby, the company has achieved many remarkable results.
An example of “initiative tree” at PYMEPHARCO company is Mr. Do Phung Hai, employee of the secondary packaging department. Not only mastering the expertise, Mr. Hai has also accumulated more experience while working in many other departments such as dry mixing, drying, wet running, granulating compressor, grinding, standing machine, helped him better understand the problems in the factory and aroused the inspiration to improve work efficiency.
In 2014, when Mr. Hai was working at the Betaletan pellet production workshop, he noticed that the granulating presses and high-speed grinders were not operating in accordance with the optimum efficiency, causing waste in the creation process. Therefore, he actively investigated and learned to propose to change some parameters in the production process to shorten production time, but still achieved the goal of creating stable seeds for the next stage.
Estimated by the initial standard, if the machines operate continuously, 1 batch of drug will be generated after about 12-13 hours. To improve the situation, Mr. Hai discussed with other team members to come up with an initiative to optimize production time. This initiative is called “Improving the granulation compression process”. Thereby, the feeding speed of the hopper has been significantly improved, the pallet of nuggets is made thicker, the grain is more even, and shortens the production time to only about 6 hours, by half compared to the time as originally designed.
Not stopping there, in 2017, Mr. Hai continued to propose the initiative “Reducing waste after grinding”. Stemming from the desire to limit the amount of dust during the grinding process, Mr. Hai observed and realized the cause of this problem: The high-speed grinding machines will push dust through the gaps between the following nuggets. grinder and grinder. After a period of testing, Mr. Hai has used the solution of attaching raw filter bags inside the container and the amount of dust has decreased significantly. After being inspected and evaluated by the professional department, this initiative was put into production by the company’s leaders. It is estimated that Hai’s method can filter 0.3-0.5 kg / batch of waste.
Responding to his efforts on innovation in production, Mr. Hai was honored to be one of the top 10 best staff for many years voted internally by the company and recognized by the Health Department as comprehensive good worker.
Productivity and Quality Office