Illustrator (Source: Internet)
Long Hai Co., Ltd has applied ISO 31000: 2018 to control product quality risks related to the process of growing and supplying mushrooms. Since the application of ISO 31000: 2018, the company’s products have better quality, are trusted by consumers and gradually dominate the market.
The Board of Directors of the Company is highly determined in developing and applying the risk management system in accordance with ISO 31000: 2018, investing sufficient resources for the construction deployment process. Thanks to the application of ISO 31000: 2018, the company has invested in a modern factory system, according to advanced technology, employees are fully trained in food hygiene and safety. Products have been gradually competing in the market, especially competing with products originating from China.
Mr. Pham Quang Nhue – Director of the Company said that thanks to the application of ISO 31000: 2018 under the National Quality Productivity Program, consulted by the productivity experts from the Center for Information, Communications, Standards, Metrology and Quality helped Long Hai Co., Ltd. constantly improve efficiency.
According to Mr. Nhue, the development and application of a risk management system in accordance with ISO 31000: 2018 in the field of information security for mushroom cultivation and processing in Long Hai Co., Ltd has brought about efficiency certain. Specifically, the risks related to the system are reviewed periodically and evaluated at least every 6 months. The risk management board is 100% trained on how to identify risks, and measures to handle risks.
More than 95% of food safety hazards associated with the scope of application are identified and strictly controlled. According to statistics in the 5 months of applying ISO 31000: 2018, the rate of goods damaged during processing and farming decreased by 7%. Do not record customer complaints about quality, no unsafe situation when using grape products of the company. 100% of the critical points are strictly controlled, setting goals. The remaining hazards are monitored and guaranteed in a safe area.
Along with that, the records of food safety control are also fully updated and easily accessible by the company. Currently the license of food safety and hygiene of the company is still valid, the inspection activities of the Department of Health on food safety are always highly appreciated. 100% of employees in the company understand the food safety hazards related to the operation of their department and position. The direct training and guidance process ensures better understanding and application of relevant control measures.
“Thanks to the application of ISO 31000: 2018, the company did not record the incident, the risk of food insecurity occurred during the implementation of the system. The results of the Company’s periodic analysis of hazardous thresholds in the product all meet the requirements set out”, Mr. Nhue informed.
According to Mr. Nhue, in the process of application, 100% of activities are approached according to the processes, risk-based thinking to ensure the best operating control system, the connected stages, no overlapped. When errors arise, the handling takes place quickly, properly and responsibly, ensuring system improvement and preventing subsequent risks. “However, the company still has some backlog, next year we will solve it thoroughly. Those are a few people at the company who mainly work on experience, not yet trained. The epidemic situation in late 2019 and early 2020 also affects the company in the output of products”, Mr. Nhue said.
Productivity and Quality Office