ISO 10015 standard, a skills management system that allows an organization to make the most of its expertise, minimize risk, enhance capacity, and bring great benefits to the organization.
Ensuring that everyone has the right skills for the job is a key to the organization’s success. A recently revised and improved international standard will help integrate capacity management into everyday work.
In a constantly changing and globalized world, most companies focus on their workforce with different skills and experience to help them become stronger and create opportunities for personal and organizational growth. A skill management system allows an organization to make the most of its talents and expertise to mitigate risks, strengthen competencies, and contribute to the achievement of its strategic goals.
ISO 10015, Quality Management – A guide to managing skills and human development, helping organizations address skills management-related issues by proposing quality management methods. This standard has recently been revised and expanded to more closely align with ISO 9001 quality management standards, thus providing additional support and clarification in identifying required skills.
According to Gustavo Pontoriero, Chairman of the ISO subcommittee that developed the standard, ISO 10015 is designed to support ISO 9001, the Quality Management System – Requirements, provide clear and skill management and development processes for employees.
“Implementing this standard effectively can be very beneficial for organizations, especially to ensure customer satisfaction, employee happiness and the efficiency of the working environment”, the Chairman affirmed.
Productivity and Quality Office