Developing human resources and encouraging productivity improvement at enterprises

Thinking about human resource management has been changed under the impact of a competitive market economy, especially in the context of globalization.

Along with the change of mindset, the mode of human resource management has also changed to exploit the creative and active energy of employees. Workers today are considered as valuable assets of the business. This is a special asset because while other assets will decrease in value over time, human resources will increase in value.

The strategic contributions of human resource management are shown as follows:

+ Human resource management is an integral part of the company’s business strategy and plan. Plans are needed to coordinate technology innovation, product development, process improvement with training, worker participation, organizational restructuring, and achievement recognition systems, reward system, etc.

+ Managing human resources becomes a collaborative activity with activities in other departments in solving problems.

+ Human resource management creates a positive relationship between employees and senior managers to help senior leaders identify, evaluate problems and promote value-added solutions based on the contributions of people. labor.

+ Managing human resources to create a meaningful and comfortable working environment for employees, helping them achieve organizational goals as well as personal goals.

+ Human resource management activities should include solutions to develop capacity and create commitments, providing opportunities for employees to contribute more.

Roles, goals and human resource management activities need to shift towards promoting the best potential of people, towards the goal of satisfaction and happiness in the workplace, because of satisfaction with the work of people. Labor is the key to customer satisfaction and competitiveness.

To encourage productivity improvement activities, businesses must strengthen and build a culture of collective work. This issue must be imbued throughout the enterprise, everyone must participate and express this clearly in their work.

There needs to be a shift in people’s perceptions, creating a breakthrough in working methods before productivity growth can be achieved.

In order to develop a highly productive organization, all activities must focus on adding and creating value. These improvements are the result of a culture based on productivity.

The characteristics of a productivity-based culture are: Encourage workers to use their creative talents; Supporting and awarding achievements for productivity; Put productivity at the center of management decisions; Promote the learning and application of new knowledge; Change values ​​and control risk; Promote the “can do” spirit in the organization.

Building a culture of productivity cannot be overnight, it’s a long way to no end.

It is important to build an appropriate environment and ensure incentives for improvement activities. Experience has shown that the success rate in implementing quality management systems is not high, in large part because the initial positive results are not maintained because there are no suitable conditions to encourage continuous improvement.

This is partly due to the old type of management based on control and command. Workers are the intellectual capital of the business and also the most important resource, so it is necessary to change the mind about how to treat and manage employees. Businesses need to create an environment that inspires and encourages workers, creating their desire to be recognized and appreciated. The workplace is not only a place for them to earn a living, but also a place for them to find more meaningful work, helping them achieve their ambition and goals of life.

Improving the productivity of a system largely depends on continually mobilizing people in the business to achieve the goals. And therefore, people must be at the center of this mission, in order to unleash their full potential of power and ability to devote. The rest is an appropriate management system, which will bring about the desired effect.

Source: VNPI

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