The workshop of Broanmain Plastic
Broanmain Plastic is a business specializing in the production of commercial plastics with a long history in the UK. Currently the company’s products are widely sold in the EU.
With more than 60 years of experience in the plastic mold manufacturing industry, Broanmain Plastic has built a familiar customer network in many different countries. With the aim of optimizing the accessibility to customers, the Company has combined various innovative tools to enhance delivery process efficiency and improve service quality. Typically: Just in Time (JIT) method, Kanban solution, inventory management (VMI), discrete delivery (DO), electronic data exchange (EDI).
Highly intuitive innovative tools like 5S and Kanban are also preferred by Broanmain Plastic. 5S is the basic foundation for implementing quality assurance systems from the point of view: If working in a healthy, clean, beautiful, airy and convenient environment, the spirit will be more comfortable and productive. Labor will be higher and there will be conditions for adopting a more effective quality management system. Unlike 5S, Kanban intervenes more deeply in problems in the production process. This tool helps managers strictly control the amount of raw materials used in different stages through the colors of Kanban cards. Along with a pre-built culture of innovation, 5S and Kanban have become powerful innovation tools with a mutual role at Broanmain Plastic.
The good implementation of 5S’s first 3S (Seiri – Screening, Seiton – Arrange, Seiso – Clean) also helps Broanmain Plastic quickly approach and apply LEAN (LEAN) production method at their factory. Accordingly, the intelligent automation process (Jidoka) has been deployed extremely thoroughly. Unusual errors, problems or quality problems can be detected early to prevent risks.
On the other hand, the JIT approach is the basis for Broanmain Plastic to plan to distribute the flow of circulating raw materials, goods and products in a step-by-step process, so that the next process can be performed as soon as possible. Current process terminated. Thereby, no item in the production process falls into a state of zero, waiting for processing, no workers or equipment to wait for input to operate. Combined with the application of inventory management (VMI), the management of Broanmain Plastic can make a better judgment on market demand, thereby avoiding the waste of inventory.
(To be continued)
Productivity and Quality Office