Good practice 5S at ATS
As a parts maintenance and supply company, Advanced Technology Service (ATS) provides business solutions to customers worldwide. So when they decided to upgrade the quality of service and equipment repair for customers, they chose a solution to coordinate with Lawson Products. ATS helps improve manufacturing facilities in the US, UK and Mexico by deploying full-time repair and maintenance personnel right at the factories.
At each company, their method of implementation varies depending on the needs of the customer and the system. So their ability to respond to technology over time is extremely important. ATS saw an opportunity to find a way of managing supplies and equipment to serve their customers when needed. Some facilities are managed by the company itself, while others will hire the management of another supplier (sometimes up to 6 members) with different management methods. ATS representative said: “The biggest problem we often encounter is not having the right type of product or storing too much in the warehouse. We work with Lawson to identify the specific needs of each client and accurately and fully identify the required products at each location.”
Lawson offers pricing for products in 30 ATS stores around the world. Lawson also makes annual reports on the status of these warehouses to ATS. Lawson and ATS apply the exact same approach to 5S success. 5S is the basic approach to creating an efficient and productive work environment. After the units have successfully implemented 5S, their representatives will develop a special store exclusively for that unit including its products and services. All of these stores are adjustable based on company plans, market information or business cycles.
For example, an ATS facility requires piping at the factory but their facilities and equipment are unable to do so. Lawson will research and reserve the appropriate number of plumbing for ATS facility. This solution results in an annual savings of up to US $ 46,500 for that facility only. After Lawson completes the installation of all ATS facilities, they will ensure a significant improvement at all of these facilities. Currently, ATS facilities have reported an average improvement of up to 200% in labor productivity.
Lawson’s warehouse and product management services enable ATS to manage and monitor the status of all its products at facilities around the world. It also helps the company to stock a reasonable amount of products, as well as coordinate supply to suit each different region. Instead of having to go to unreliable addresses, ATS can now meet the number of products demanded by customers anywhere.
Productivity and Quality Office