Solution of recovering coal in the technology of exploiting the oblique market furnace, keeping with the soft anti-soft rigs of ZRY type at Vang Danh Coal Joint Stock Company
In recent years, the coal industry has made great progress in investing in technology, production equipment as well as applying scientific and technological advances in mining, processing and operation management. To date, TKV Group has mastered many advanced technologies in the world, actively manufactured and localized production equipment and spare parts. Thereby improving labor productivity, improving effective working environment to ensure safety for workers.
The results of applying science and technology to TKV are extremely significant. Economic value from the application of modern technology is estimated at up to 250 billion dong/ year, boosting labor productivity by an average of 3-5% per year, mechanized mining output reaches 11.6 %. In 2019, TKV exploited more than 40.5 million tons of coal (an increase of 3.9 million tons compared to 2018), consuming more than 45 million tons.
Open-pit coal mining in TKV’s units has been mechanized at all stages of production. The mechanized equipment is synchronized application to save costs, such as large diameter drills, 12m3 bucket backhoe loaders, an integrated transport system between cars and conveyors. , turn tillers to replace blasting technology in appropriate areas. The technology of anti-digging by anchors helps to speed up the digging process, reduces production costs and creates safe working conditions for the kilns.
The initiative of “Recovering coal using the tailgate retracting mechanism of the soft rig in the exploitation of the ZRY anti-soft slant-proof slanting furnace of the Golden Danh Coal Company helped the company increase its output by 16%, productivity labor increased by 12.1%, reducing kiln furnace coal loss from 21% to 17%.
Automation technology is applied to operation, control and supervision, helping units to reduce direct labor in the area of machine operation. Typically, the centralized production operation center of Ha Lam Coal Joint Stock Company was put into operation in early February 2018; The operator focuses on the +120 fan station automation system of Mao Khe coal. Particularly for the application of automation and informatics in coal production and processing in 2018, TKV has reduced 463 direct employees, the economic profit is estimated at 260 billion dong/ year.
In the next phase, TKV has clearly identified development directions and goals in the future, including activities to help improve productivity, reduce resource losses, save costs and ensure occupational safety. Therefore, the Group’s units strive to continue developing science and technology, perfecting the management organization with 3 focus on application of mechanization, automation and computerization in all fields from mining, screening and processing. At the same time, focusing on training activities to improve labor quality to proactively access technology and apply technology in operation.
Productivity and Quality Office