Overview of the WAC workshop
The International Conference on Cars (WAC) in Istanbul in 2019 showed us the strong influence of new technology on the car industry.
Heavy traffic with the participation of too many private vehicles, along with the scarcity of public parking areas in the city are the factors that will affect the car industry in the future. There were also a number of other comments on the factors affecting this industry during the workshop.
WAC was organized in October 2019, with the participation of car manufacturers from over 20 countries around the world, 50 speakers with many of their own debates and opinions about shaping. the future of this industry and its impact on the global economy.
The digital age is opened with great prospects, although the automotive industry is more geared towards mechanics but many speakers have pointed out the significant impact of digital technology on car production. Not long ago, the vehicle industry mainly focused on the power of the engine, the comfort to use and the design of the vehicle’s appearance. But customers now demand more than that, they want their cars to be environmentally friendly, able to connect to other digital-age gadgets like smart transport.
Approach to consumers
More than 50 lectures were held, and almost all speakers identified that they were changing their products and new business strategies through feedback from customers. Software and data become essential in developing strategies on a small and global scale.
Kimberly Matenchuck, Sales Director of GE Digital, UK said that improvement depends on demand. She said Turkey could lead the revolution in cars and electric vehicles because demand there is huge, especially in cities like Istanbul or Ankara where air pollution is caused by over Transport facilities are on the rise.
Agility in innovation
Çetinoğlu explains how he can change an IT company to be an “inspiring IT” company. He said the IT department is an integral part of the strategic planning process similar to other departments such as development, product and sales. All improvements in these parts of TOFAS FIAT are carried out very quickly through specific methods for each part. Katharina Hopp, vice president of urban solutions, also spoke of the importance of “keen thinking” in innovation: “Rapid adaptation is very good for development, by listening and understanding. Understand what customers need. But it doesn’t always help. “
(To be continued)Productivity and Quality Office